As oft seems to happen when I up-sticks and move to a different country, things get neglected for a few weeks and updates to my website end up suffering.

This post is therefore going to be relatively short and—aside from noting that I’m currently in London—won’t even attempt to cast any light on what it is I’ve actually been up to over the last few weeks. I shall leave that for future ramblings.

It is time, however, to focus on the Beijing Olympics. Google’s logo is particularly close to my heart today:

In 2004, I visited China not long after they had been chosen to host the 2008 olympics. Four years later, I was lucky enough to return and see Beijing transformed, watch the finishing touches being put on the various stadia, trees being shipped into the city, and see Olympic fervour set in, championed by five somewhat unlikely cuddly characters.

Sadly, as I am now returned to London, I will be unable to watch the events live. But, I will—as with most of the rest of the World—be watching with great interest, hoping that everything goes smoothly.