I never cease to be amazed by technology… particularly here in Japan where the ease of use and level of integration is immense! I’m currently authoring this post on my mobile phone while watching the sun set over Tokyo harbour… admittedly input is a tad slow, but it’s pretty cool that I haven’t needed to change a single setting or install any software to achieve this!

Anyhow, to the more interesting things, like what am I doing enjoying an extremely alcoholic grapefruit drink in Odaiba? Well, it seems I picked a very silly day to try retail therapy in this particular area of Tokyo—it’s hanabi (or fireworks for the uninitiated). If memory serves correctly, it’s the biggest in Tokyo which, factoring in the fact that the smaller lot I saw last weekend was seen by a reputed 1.5 million, must be pretty big!

I’ll try to post a few photos later…