I have been a CyanWorlds (originally just Cyan) fan for quite some time now; since the release of their first Myst game to be precise. Their latest game, Uru has to be one of their most impressive to date. It is the first new game to use their in house 3D engine and it seems that they have gone to town with it. Alas, playing time has been somewhat limited of late as I am studying for my Finals, but I allowed myself a half hour this evening and was completely bowled over by the game quality; wandering around one of the Ages, I was aware of a slight rumbling in the background which rapidly turned into a full-on electric storm as the sky darkened and the rain lashed down. It was the first time I have felt the need to run for shelter while playing a computer game!

The online version of Uru may have failed to meet expectations, but the offline game continues to impress and seems to be ‘up there’ with the other games in the Myst series constantly pushing the levels of realism achievable within computer games.