On Sunday 11th January I returned to University, only to remember just how small my room was and how little desk space I have. Normally, I would have just uttered a few *’s and got on with it. Only this time, I decided to go about solving the problem.

Having rearranged the room significantly, I found myself left with two desks and a corner sink. Following a 2.5k trek from B&Q carrying a good 3m of Contiboard, I ended up with the following creation; I’m pretty pleased with myself :P



If you look hard, you can still see the tiles surrounding the sink. The sink is still there, but has a piece of Contiboard very carefully attached to the taps. (One of the wonders about living in College is that we are not allowed to do anything to the room, so great care had to be taken to ensure that the desk would work without being attached to anything in a permenant fashion.)
