Webloc Files and Linux

    Splitting my time between Linux and macOS, and syncing files between the two systems, I often find myself trying to view and edit macOS-specific files on Linux. One particular frustration comes in the form of .webloc files—Apple’s custom file format for URLs. If you’ve ever dragged-and-dropped a URL on macOS, you’ve probably encountered one of these; they’re a pretty simple (if Apple-specific) format, but I’ve found them to be almost entirely unsupported on Linux.

    The few options out there seem either incomplete (Opening Web Internet Location Files on Ubuntu) or overly heavyweight (WeblocOpener). With that in mind, here’s my slightly more complete set of instructions for adding support for opening .webloc files to Linux.

    The approach involves creating two new files: a MIME database entry telling Linux about the existence of the application/x-webloc MIME type; and a desktop entry which provides a simple handler for the new MIME type, using xdg-open to open the URL with the default browser.

    1. Create the MIME entry in ~/.local/share/mime/packages/application-x-webloc.xml:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
         <mime-type type="application/x-webloc">
           <glob pattern="*.webloc"/>
    2. Create the desktop entry in ~/.local/share/applications/webloc.desktop:

      [Desktop Entry]
      Name=Open Webloc Files
      Comment=Open webloc files in the default browser
      Exec=sh -c "xdg-open `plistutil -i \\"$1\\" | xmllint --xpath \\"//dict/string/text()\\" -`" -- %f

      This uses a combination of plistutil and xmllint to extract the URL from the webloc property list file so you’ll also need to install these. On Fedora, you can do this as follows:

      sudo dnf -y install libplist libxml2
    3. Finally, update the MIME and desktop databases:

      update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime
      update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications

    After completing these steps, double clicking a .webloc file in your file manager of choice should open the link in your default browser.

    December Adventure Day 19

    Working Drag-and-Drop File Transfers

    After taking up altogether too much of my December Adventure, day 19 finally brought working drag-and-drop file transfer to Reconnect, my Psion connectivity software for macOS. 🎉

    There’s not much to add technically beyond what I’ve covered in previous posts, so feel free to check out my write-ups from day 15 and day 18 if you’re curious about the details.

    I’ve yet to add support for dragging folders which will require some refactoring: folders are currently handled as a collection of individual file transfers and that will need to change to allow me to track the overall progress and provide a single completion for the NSItemProvider-based drag operation. With that in place, I’ll be ready to push a release. Lots to keep me busy on day 20!

    December Adventure Day 18


    Day 18 of my December Adventure brought a new wave of pain (I strongly advise against fracturing your foot, however exciting it might seem), so everything went slowly and there’s not too much to report—I mostly spent my time thinking about how things needed to work instead of doing. Still, in the interests of journaling the progress I do make, here’s a little update.


    I’m still committed to adding full support for drag and drop to Reconnect, my Psion connectivity sofware for macOS. The remaining work entails figuring out how drag-and-drop operations should interact with the Transfers window—it feels like the correct place to show progress for drag-initiated transfers, but it’s not currently set up for that.

    With drag operations, apps don’t know the file’s destination—they pass the data to the OS and it does what’s necessary to create/copy/move the file. That means the model object that backs the Transfers window and manages on-going transfer operations needs to expose a slightly lower level API that can be used for both the regular transfers from the Psion to the user’s ‘Downloads’ directory, and the NSItemProvider implementation used for drag-and-drop.

    Right now, the API to download a file from the Psion looks like this:

    @MainActor @Observable
    class TransfersModel {
        func download(from source: FileServer.DirectoryEntry,
                      to destinationURL: URL? = nil,
                      convertFiles: Bool) async throws

    The implementation always defaults to using the users ‘Downloads’ directory if destinationURL is nil:

    let fileManager = FileManager.default
    let downloadsURL = fileManager.urls(for: .downloadsDirectory,
                                        in: .userDomainMask)[0]
    let destinationURL = destinationURL ?? downloadsURL.appendingPathComponent(source.name)
    let temporaryURL = fileManager.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent((UUID().uuidString))
    try fileManager.moveItem(temporaryURL, to: destinationURL)
    return destinationURL

    Instead, of this, it needs to return the resulting URL to the caller and only move the temporary file used for transfers if an explicit destination is specified. The prototype needs to look something like this:

    func download(from source: FileServer.DirectoryEntry,
                  to destinationURL: URL? = nil,
                  convertFiles: Bool) async throws -> URL

    And internally, the behavior needs to be a little more like this, moving the temporary file only if destinationURL is non-nil:

    let destinationURL = if let destinationURL {
        try fileManager.moveItem(temporaryURL, to: destinationURL)
        return destinationURL
    } else {
        return temporaryURL
    return destinationURL

    I’m sure there’s a cleaner way to write this—I’m still getting used to Swift’s new conditional assignments.

    This small change of should allow me to build on the example code from day 15 as follows:

        .itemProvider {
            let provider = NSItemProvider()
            provider.suggestedName = file.name
            provider.registerFileRepresentation(for: .data) { completion in
                Task {
                    let url = await self.browserModel.download([file.id], convertFiles: false)
                    let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
                    completion(data, false, nil)
                return nil
            return provider

    I still need to work out how to update the suggested filename if it changes during file conversion (e.g., ‘image.mbm’ to ‘image.tiff’) and if possible I’d like to make that conversion decision a user-interactive part of the file transfer.

    The legacy download behavior (when the user clicks the download toolbar button) can now be achieved by explicitly passing the downloads directory:

    Task {
        let downloadsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .downloadsDirectory,
                                                    in: .userDomainMask)[0]
        try? await transfersModel.download(from: file,
                                           to: downloadsURL,
                                           convertFiles: convertFiles)

    Psion Emulation

    While it feels like I’m rapidly running out of days in December, I’m still keen to contribute a little to the Psion emulation story: I’d like to finish my brief write-up explaining some of the emulation options available in MAME, and I’d really love to get a handle on what would be involved in producing something like Infinite Mac—a website showcasing emulators for every Mac—for Psions.

    With my sights set on—shall we call it ‘Infinite Psion’?—I had a go at compiling MAME for the web using Emscripten. MAME has some instructions for doing just this, and the Emscripten Getting Started seems pretty accessible. It should be as simple as:

    cd ~/Projects
    git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
    cd emsdk
    ./emsdk install latest
    ./emsdk activate latest
    source ./emsdk_env.sh
    cd ~/Projects
    git clone git@github.com:mamedev/mame.git
    cd mame
    emmake make SUBTARGET=psion3a SOURCES=psion/psion3a.cpp

    Needless to say, it didn’t just work out of the box, and I now have a number of errors to contend with which, I suspect, require me to think all-too hard about what’s going on under the hood in JavaScript and WASM-land. 🫠